23 August 2020

MCS 51 Interrupt and timers from Microcontroller (MIC)

MCS 51 Interrupt and timers from  Microcontroller (MIC)

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5.1 8051 Timer/counter (Marks 08)

🌟 #Timer / #Counter #logic and #modes

🌟 Simple #programs on timer to #generate time #delay using #polling and #interrupt #method.

5.2 #8051 Interrupts (Marks 08)

🌟 Interrupts and polling.

🌟 #SFR - #IE, #IP

🌟 Simple programs based on interrupts and polling method

Questions list

1)  With the help of neat diagram describe the timer modes of 8051microcontroller.

2) List the priority of interrupts of 8051 microcontroller with respective interrupt destinations.

3) Draw the format of IE register of 8051 microcontroller and describe the function of each bit.

4)  Describe the alternative functions of port’0’ , port2 and port 3 in 8051.

5) Draw and explain the format of IP register of 8051 mic.

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22 August 2020

Parallel Ports and Serial Communication from Microcontroller (MIC)

Parallel Ports and Serial Communication from  Microcontroller (MIC)

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4.1 Parallel Port of 8051 (Marks 08)

🌟 #I/O port structure & its Programming.

4.2 Serial Port of 8051

🌟 #Serial #Communication-SCON, #SBUF (Marks 08)

🌟 Modes of #serial #communication

🌟 Simple programs for serial communication

Questions list

1) Draw the format of SCON register of 8051 microcontroller and explain the function of each bit.

2) With the help of suitable diagram describe the serial communication modes of 8051 microcontroller

3) Draw the format of TCON register of 8051 microcontroller and state the functions of each bit.

4) Write an ALP for 8051 microcontroller to generate delay of 1 second by using Timer1.Use crystal frequency= 12MHz.

5) Write an assembly language program for 8051 microcontroller to generate a square

6) Draw the format of TMOD register of uc 8051 and describe function of each bit in it.

7) Draw the format of PSW register of 8051 microcontroller and explain the function of any two flags.

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20 August 2020

8051 Instruction set and programming

8051 Instruction set and programming8051 Instruction set and programming

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3.1 #Addressing_modes and #instruction_set. (Marks 10)

    🌟 #Assembler #directive- #ORG, #DB, #EQU, #END, #CODE, #DATA

3.3 #Assembly language #programming (Marks 10)

3.4 #Software #development cycle- #Editor, Assembler, #cross_compiler, #linker, #locater, #compiler (Marks 04)

Questions list

1) With the help of ADD instruction explain:

a) Direct addressing mode

b) Indirect addressing mode

c) Register addressing mode

d) Immediate addressing mode .

2) Write an assembly language program for 8051 microcontroller to add five 8 bit nos. stored in internal RAM from 20H onwards. Store the resultat 30H

3)  Describe the function of editor, assembler, compiler and linker.

4) Write an assembly language program to transfer five bytes from source block to destination block. Assume source block address is 10H and destination block address is 20H.

5) Write an assembly language program to send message ―WELCOME serially at 9600 baud rate continuously. 

6) Write an assembly language program to find largest number out of ten numbers stored

7) Write an assembly language program for 8051 microcontroller to receive 10 bytes of data serially and save them in accumulator. Assume baud rate is 4800.

8) State necessity of Assembler directives. List any four assembler directives and describe with example. (i) ORG (ii) DB (iii) EQU (iv) END

9) Describe following microcontroller instructions i)LJMP addr ii) SJMP addr iii) RL A iv) RR A

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19 August 2020

8051 Microcontroller from Microcontroller (MIC)

8051 Microcontroller from  Microcontroller (MIC)

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2.1 #8051 Architecture (Marks 10)

🌟 #Features, #Architecture, #Pin_description.

🌟 #Memory #Organisation of 8051

2.2 Special Features of 8051 (Marks 06)

🌟 #Boolean Processor, #Power_saving options- idle and power down mode, #Derivatives of 8051:- #8031, #8751,#8952, #89V51RD2

Questions list

1) Compare 8031,8051,8751(any four points)

2) Describe the power saving modes of 8051 microcontroller

3) Draw Internal RAM memory organization of 8051 and explain.

4) Describe the function of following pins of 8051 microcontroller (i) PSEN (iii) RST  (ii) EA (iv) ALE

5) List important any eight features of 8051 microcontroller.

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18 August 2020

Introduction to Microcomputers and Microcontrollers from Microcontrolle...

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1.1 Introduction to single board microcomputer. (Marks 04)

🌟 Block Diagram of #Microcomputer.

🌟 Elements of Microcomputer. (#Buses, Microprocessor, #memory, I/O devices).

🌟 Different types of buses: #address, #Data, and #control bus

1.2 Introduction to Microcontroller (Marks 06)

🌟 General block diagram of #microprocessor and #microcontroller

🌟 Comparison of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers.

🌟 Types of #architectures - #Harvard and #Von-neuman.

🌟 Selection factors of microcontroller(Architecture type, #speed, #Word #size, #instruction set, memory, and #I/O #capability)

Questions list

1) What is a bus? Describe the different types of buses used in 8051 microcontroller.

2)  State the difference between Harvard and Von Neumann architectures with suitable diagram

3)  Draw the block diagram of 8051 microcontroller.

4) Distinguish between microprocessor and microcontroller (any four points)

5)  Describe any four selection factors of microcontroller.

6) Describe the function of address, data and control bus.

7) Draw the general block diagram of microprocessor. Explain the function of each block.

8)  Sketch block diagram of microcomputer. Label each block and states function of each block.

9)  Describe the function of following instructions of 8051 microcontroller.




d. MOV A,R0

10) Distinguish between microprocessor and microcontroller (any four points)

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