20 August 2020

8051 Instruction set and programming

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8051 Instruction set and programming8051 Instruction set and programming

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3.1 #Addressing_modes and #instruction_set. (Marks 10)

    🌟 #Assembler #directive- #ORG, #DB, #EQU, #END, #CODE, #DATA

3.3 #Assembly language #programming (Marks 10)

3.4 #Software #development cycle- #Editor, Assembler, #cross_compiler, #linker, #locater, #compiler (Marks 04)

Questions list

1) With the help of ADD instruction explain:

a) Direct addressing mode

b) Indirect addressing mode

c) Register addressing mode

d) Immediate addressing mode .

2) Write an assembly language program for 8051 microcontroller to add five 8 bit nos. stored in internal RAM from 20H onwards. Store the resultat 30H

3)  Describe the function of editor, assembler, compiler and linker.

4) Write an assembly language program to transfer five bytes from source block to destination block. Assume source block address is 10H and destination block address is 20H.

5) Write an assembly language program to send message ―WELCOME serially at 9600 baud rate continuously. 

6) Write an assembly language program to find largest number out of ten numbers stored

7) Write an assembly language program for 8051 microcontroller to receive 10 bytes of data serially and save them in accumulator. Assume baud rate is 4800.

8) State necessity of Assembler directives. List any four assembler directives and describe with example. (i) ORG (ii) DB (iii) EQU (iv) END

9) Describe following microcontroller instructions i)LJMP addr ii) SJMP addr iii) RL A iv) RR A

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