Parallel Ports and Serial Communication from Microcontroller (MIC)
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4.1 Parallel Port of 8051 (Marks 08)
🌟 #I/O port structure & its Programming.
4.2 Serial Port of 8051
🌟 #Serial #Communication-SCON, #SBUF (Marks 08)
🌟 Modes of #serial #communication
🌟 Simple programs for serial communication
Questions list
1) Draw the format of SCON register of 8051 microcontroller and explain the function of each bit.
2) With the help of suitable diagram describe the serial communication modes of 8051 microcontroller
3) Draw the format of TCON register of 8051 microcontroller and state the functions of each bit.
4) Write an ALP for 8051 microcontroller to generate delay of 1 second by using Timer1.Use crystal frequency= 12MHz.
5) Write an assembly language program for 8051 microcontroller to generate a square
6) Draw the format of TMOD register of uc 8051 and describe function of each bit in it.
7) Draw the format of PSW register of 8051 microcontroller and explain the function of any two flags.
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